Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Obligatory First Post

True to form, I’m at least a decade behind on this “personal blog” phenom that has swept the Internet world. To be honest, I’m not super into publically broadcasting details from my life; I don’t tweet, I don’t post, and I barely facebook. However, despite my tendency towards a more-than-healthy reserve, I’ve been thinking lately that it would be nice to have a place where I can record fun adventures I go on and the small moments in my sometimes predictable life.

Its possible this inclination stems from a desire to convince the world (or myself, at least) that predictable lives are not necessarily boring, and to remind myself that I really do like my life (and yes.. During the cold grey months of winter, this reminder is occasionally necessary). Partly, also, because my family and friends have blogs, and this seems like a good way to maintain long-distance friendships that get tragically sporadic amid the business of adult life. And partly because, thanks to my good friends Kami and Brooke, I’ve recently been reminded that I want to WRITE, and right now blogging seems like the only realistic commitment to that goal.

Regardless of the reasons, here it is: My Blog.  With a title coined from the first syllable of each of my names simply  because every other combination of my name was already taken on the World Wide Web. What?! I know. The internet strikes again and we are all one more step removed from the illusion of uniqueness. 

I know my favourite part of a blog is usually the pictures. In fact, I am guilty of skimming or (gasp) skipping posts with too many words. In a bold move of brashfaced hypocrisy I hereby warn all readers, fleeting and permanent, that this blog may have a lot more words than photos.
Enjoy (or don’t – I’ll never know).


  1. So glad you're blogging! I love hearing about your adventures, and I love your style of writing.
    No worries about having to few pictures. I find I tend to have more words than pictures in my blog, too. But I remind myself that what I'm writing is the history of my life, and I'm writing it so that I'll have something to help me remember what I did with my life when I'm to old to remember things accurately.
    Looking forward to reading more!

  2. I keep a journal for history and maintain the family site to provide a forum for the family. But a blog has its own power in providing a means of sharing perspectives on life and in communicating with one's self about what has been important, in the illusion that others are paying attention. This self deception won't work for you because what you write is delightfully readable and so I am sure that you will gather a faithful following who will relate to your expressions.

    I count myself among them.

  3. I love your MaNoBu blog name. And I love you. Write on, my friend.

  4. I have been given the great honour, from the almighty Internets, to formally welcome you to the world of blogging. Firstly, we would like to congratulate you on choosing a supremely cool blog name. Second, although there is a sad lack of photos, your prose leaves little else to be desired. Bravo young blogawan, may the daily updates be with you. :)

  5. thank you all for the warm welcome to the Internets. Boo - I'll update daily if you do! game on.
